luni, 18 martie 2013

Orez cu mere - ieftin, bun, de post :-)

O cana de orez, 1-1,5kg de mere, 2-3 linguri de ulei, 3-4 linguri de zahar (sau mai mult daca va place dulce-dulce), putina sare.

Se pune orezul la umflat.
Intre timp, merele se curata de coaja, se taie in sferturi si se scot cotoarele.
Merele se calesc putin in cateva linguri de ulei + apa.
Apoi se adauga orezul + zaharul (zaharul nu chiar de la inceput).
Se fierbe pana orezul devine moale (trebuie "pazit" sa nu se lipeasca de oala).

Dupa ce e gata, puteti muta totul intr-o oala mai mica.
Oala mare, fierbinte, se poate spala imediat (e recomandat asta) cat timp urmele de orez sunt moi si "solubile". :)

Pofta buna!

ENGLISH (for Alejandro and other guys. :) )

One cup of rice, 1-1.5 kg of apples 2-3 tbsp of oil, 3-4 tablespoons sugar (or more if you like sweet-sweet), salt.

Rinse the rice and put it in clear water to soak a little.
Meanwhile, peel apples, cut into quarters and remove the stubs.
Put the oil + some water in the pot and boil/fry the apples for couple of minutes.
Add water + rice + sugar (sugar not in the the beginning - wait couple of minutes after you add the rice).
Boil until rice is tender (mix it continuous, be careful not stick to the pan).
Add more water if needed.

After it's done, you can move it in a smaller pot (I always do that).
Wash immediately the large pot (I recommend that) while traces of rice are soft and "soluble". :)

Bon apetit! :-)