Azi m-am confruntat (iar) cu problema asta: e naspa dom'le sa gatesti in vase din aluminiu sau nu?
Intrebarea e mai importanta cu cat m-am pricopsit cu un vas din asta. Un fel de ceaun din aluminiu, pentru mamaliga si floricele - doar la asta vreau sa-l folosesc. (nu, nu e ala din poza)
Pe langa isteria cu "VEI MURI!!!", Am gasit doua/trei articole care par mai documentate, si scrise de oameni mai calificati.
Primul: Safety of Aluminium from Dietary Intake (articol de pe pagina Food Safety Authority of Ireland)
Q. Should I stop using aluminium pots and pans for cooking?
There is still a great degree of uncertainty in terms of the contribution of the use of aluminium pots, pans and storage containers to overall exposure to aluminium in the diet. It is possible that higher levels may be present in acidic foods cooked or stored in aluminium pans or containers. However, we consider that overall exposure to aluminium for consumers in Ireland is below the safety level set by EFSA.
Al doilea: Aluminiul-Riscul-Pentru-Sanatate
"Potrivit investigatiei ISS, cantitatea de aluminiu ingerata de un italian mediu, in cazul in care totul este preparat in recipiente de aluminiu, este de cca 6 mg pe zi. In linie cu aceste rezultate,diverse studii efectuate pe continentul nostru indica o valoare variabila intre 0,2 si 1,5 mg pe kilogram pe saptamana la adulti, in timp ce pentru copii si adolescenti valoarea oscileaza intre 0,7 e2,3. Doza saptamanala tolerabila de aluminiu, potrivit oamenilor de stiinta de la Efsa, este egala cu 1 mg pe kilogram de greutate corporala."
So, daca ai 60 de kile, oamenii spun ca doza acceptabila ar fi de 60mg/saptamana, nu?
Italianul ala din studiu ingera 6mg de aluminiu/zi, IN CAZUL IN CARE TOTUL ESTE PREPARAT IN RECIPIENTE DE ALUMINIU!
6mg x 7 zile = 42mg/saptamana. MULT sub ce spun specialistii ca ar fi "doza safe".
Al treilea: Aluminium & Alzheimer's
Aluminium has had bad press for a long time, mostly beginning around the 1920s. Rudolph Valentino's death in 1926 at the tender age of 31 was blamed on aluminium poisoning from aluminium cookware - but he was actually killed by a perforating stomach ulcer. Howard J. Force, a self-proclaimed "chemist" added momentum to the anti-aluminium movement with pamphlets such as Poisons Formed by Aluminum Cooking Utensils. It was probably not a coincidence that he also sold cookware - stainless steel cookware.
Dr. Charles DeCarli, the director of the Alzheimer's Disease Center at the University of Kansas Medical Center says, "In my opinion, the supposed relation between aluminum and Alzheimer's Disease is a simple case of neuromythology".
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