Majoritatea din presa straina titreaza ca romanii protesteaza impotriva masurilor de austeritate.
NU! NU asa am vazut /vad eu: Romanii nu prea au protestat cand s-au taiat salariile, pentru ca, poate au inteles ca trebuie sa urmeze o perioada mai grea.
Eu cred ca romanii protesteaza acum impotriva HOTILOR, NESIMTITILOR, SMENARILOR, "REGILOR" ASFALTULUI.
Asta ar fi trebuit sa inteleaga presa internationala: romanii s-au saturat de nesimtiti, atat.
Cred ca fiecare din piata e constient ca daca de maine Base nu mai e, nivelul lor de trai nu va creste imediat. Toti stiu asta. Dar nu se mai poate cu nesimtiti...
Many of international media didn't understand why Romanians protest.
Most of the foreign media headlined that Romanians protest against austerity measures. NO!
I am Romanian and I tell you that people did not have protested when the government cut wages (25% cuts in 2010), maybe because they understood that it will follow a austerity period.
These days Romanians protest against government thieves! You cannot cut the money for the health system but to spend MILLIONS to give public money to some "Kings of the asphalt" as we say - the people who take money to make the roads and they do nothing - STEALING THOSE MONEY.
The international media should understand that: we are tired of jerks, thieves, corruption.
I think each person who is outside now, protesting, is aware that if there will not be a Basescu tomorrow, their living standards will not increase immediately. Everyone knows that. But we cannot tolerate these assholes anymore...
Google translate le zice mai bine decat mine:

P.S.: Miting pentru sustinerea lui Raed Arafat... voi ce gandeati pe 10 ianuarie, acum vreo saptamana? (protestele au doar 4 zile)

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