duminică, 25 octombrie 2009


Emma Karlson,23, is from Sweden and has lived in London for almost three years. She explains that one of the first steps in applying for a job in London is not to send out your CV to future employers.
She said:” Most employers will ask you for a National Insurance number or that you have a bank account. When you move into a house make sure you get on the contract so you can use it as proof of identity when you apply for a bank account or the National Insurance number.
“In the beginning I found myself running back and forth from people requesting documents before I could apply for either a bank account, job or a place to live. My previous landlord wanted me to provide proof that I was working and that I had a bank account. The bank wanted me to have a proof of adress and my employer wanted me to have a National Insurance number.”

Credeam ca numai romanilor se intampla faze din astea... de fapt "asa sunt englezii". Un mare sistem...

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